Sponsorship Opportunities

Dear Potential Sponsor,
Watertown Lacrosse Association (WLA) is a 501c3 non-profit youth lacrosse organization established in 2004 that serves the boys and girls from K thru 8th grade throughout the Watertown, Oakville and surrounding communities. Our purpose is to provide an educational opportunity in the sport of lacrosse as well as to develop fundamental team skills, personal accomplishments and build a supportive community environment that extends well beyond the playing field! Our volunteers and participants are extremely passionate about providing the best experience we can for all of those involved.
Our registration costs are some of the lowest in the area in the attempt to reduce the financial burden many families in need might face to enroll their children in lacrosse. With the support of our sponsors, it will allow us to react to the challenging cost increases within the current economy in order to reflect minimally on our member families. Therefore, we are in search of those businesses or individuals such as yourself that would be willing to lend a hand to ensure the continued success and growth of our program through a mentor role in financial sponsorship.
Here are some ways in which sponsorship money is used:
- To increase the number of scholarships offered for registration fees for those in financial need.
- To purchase updated lacrosse equipment for our players, including new goals, protective equipment for our goalies, balls and sticks
- To provide the required training courses for our volunteer coaching staff and local youth officials.
- To support continuing educational opportunities for our volunteer coaching staff to provide the best possible instruction for our players
- To provide indoor practice space in the early season when field use is limited by weather.
If you would like to receive more information on a sponsor partnership with Watertown Lacrosse Association, please feel free to contact us using the link below! We wish to thank you for taking the time to review this opportunity and for your continued support of the local youth sports community!
How to Sponsor
Step 1: Open and Download the 2025 Sponsor Form
Step 2: Fill out the Form and send it with payment to the address provided
Want to pay Electronically?
Step 3: Email the form to watertownlacrosseCT@gmail.com
Step 4: Click the Sponsor Payment/Donate Button to submit your payment. Please include your business name and sponsor level in the comments.